We appreciate your interest in Community Benefits, however, at this time we’ve made the decision to pause this offering. We apologize for any confusion and if we’re able to resume offering Community Benefits in the future, we’ll be sure to let you know. If you have any questions or need anything else feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Community Benefits

a man and woman sitting on a couch looking at a laptop

Program Overview

Program Purpose

N.A.P.S. is thrilled to be able to expand our offerings through these free or low-cost opportunities that are open to all, whether you’re a member of N.A.P.S. or not! Through our Community Benefits we aim to offer trainings, education, community building, advocacy, and emotional support spaces with a focus on better serving the peer support community at large. Please be aware that these offerings will not provide certificates of attendance.


This program includes the following offerings:

Everything is Awful

A Black/POC grief space. We welcome fear and rage, not just resilience. This group is a free, peer-led virtual group for people navigating grief, change and loss. We gather to build community and hold space for each other. Group is capped at 20 participants to encourage deep sharing and create enough time and space for all to be heard.

Register from the list of upcoming events.

What’re We Talking About?!

The purpose of this space is to offer an opportunity for the community to gather and understand what is going at the state, federal, systemic, and policy levels as it pertains to peer support. This will serve as a space to translate and decode oftentimes dense, confusing, academic, and legal documents, resources, meetings, and more. We’ll spend time defining what we’re talking about, creating space for questions, discussing impact and next steps – all in plain, easy-to-understand language. Be a part of this space so you can join the conversation and never again have to ask, what are we talking about?!

Register from the list of upcoming events.

National Peer Support Advocacy Network (NaPSAN)

The goal of this project is to build up a network of people working in and around peer support or lived experience work around the country that can mobilize and respond quickly to advance the needs of the movement and workforce. This includes sending out information about upcoming opportunities to advocate such as public hearings with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Communications Commission, Department of Labor, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and state-specific counterparts. Additionally, the NaPSAN will offer free trainings and drop-in spaces for the peer support and lived experience movement and workforce on topics such as speaking at public hearings, crafting written testimony, building relationships with your state and federal representatives, and navigating independent consulting opportunities.

Who Should Participate

These offerings are available to all, N.A.P.S. members and non-members alike.

How to Participate

To register, select an upcoming event from the listing on this page or sign up using the buttons above.

Upcoming Events