November 3, 2021
Peer Support Specialists: Let’s Unite with One Classification
N.A.P.S. and UIC partnered to create the infographic below, outlining the importance of a single standard occupational classification for Peer Support Specialists.
Read below for more information!
View the InfographicReferences
1. Wolf, J. (2018). National trends in peer specialist certification. Psychiatric Services 69 (10), 1049. This number does not include thousands of non-certified peer support workers as well as those employed in forensic, youth, parent partners, substance use and other behavioral, primary and integrated health settings as well as serving specific population groups.
2. University of Michigan Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center. (2019). National analysis of peer support providers: practice settings, requirements, roles, and reimbursement. Ann Arbor: Michigan, UMSPH.