
a calendar with the word jan on it

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N.A.P.S. members can submit events to the calendar.

Exploring Career Paths for Peers

As peers with lived and/or living experiences, we must recognize the courage that comes with exploring job fields and establishing career paths. Although there is a rise of support for...

ECHO: Building Connection through Curiosity

This session will focus on navigating through judgement when providing peer support. We’ll talk about strategies to remain curious with the people we’re supporting, why it’s important to move through...

ECHO: Alternative Peer Crisis Approaches

This session will explore alternative ways to provide peer support to people who are experiencing a crisis. This will focus on honoring self-identification of crisis, remaining neutral, and de-centering ourselves...

Virtual Training: Discomfort as Opportunity

Discomfort is inevitable. Discomfort is also an opportunity for meaning-making, growth, and transformation. In this interactive workshop, peer supporters will explore ways to move through discomfort in their relationships while...

In-Person Training: Navigating Challenges for BIPOC Peer Specialists

Larkin Center 1 Larkin Center, Yonkers, NY, United States

Navigating Challenges for BIPOC Peer Specialists is a dynamic training designed to address the systemic barriers, workplace inequities, and microaggressions that BIPOC peer specialists often encounter. Through an interactive and supportive learning environment, participants will gain essential skills in cultural competency, resilience, self-care, and advocacy for systemic change. This training empowers BIPOC peer specialists to...