
a calendar with the word jan on it

ECHO: Alternative Peer Crisis Approaches

This session will explore alternative ways to provide peer support to people who are experiencing a crisis. This will focus on honoring self-identification of crisis, remaining neutral, and de-centering ourselves...

ECHO: A Peer-Oriented Approach to Suicide

This session will look at ways to support people who want to die while remaining focused on the alternative aspects of peer support. This includes ways to honor bodily autonomy,...

ECHO: Honoring Autonomy in Youth Peer Support

This session will focus on strategies to ensure that we’re honoring the wants and needs of youth we’re supporting. It will include ways to support youth self-determination while navigating sometimes...

ECHO: Supporting People Navigating Re-Entry

During this session we’ll explore different ways to support people who are returning to community after incarceration. This will include understanding unique considerations when supporting people returning, ways to build...

ECHO: Navigating Grief and Loss

This session will discuss ways to support people who have experienced loss including a death, the loss of human rights, major life changes, and more. We’ll look at strategies for...