
a calendar with the word jan on it

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In-Person Training: Navigating Challenges for BIPOC Peer Specialists

Larkin Center 1 Larkin Center, Yonkers, NY, United States

Navigating Challenges for BIPOC Peer Specialists is a dynamic training designed to address the systemic barriers, workplace inequities, and microaggressions that BIPOC peer specialists often encounter. Through an interactive and supportive learning environment, participants will gain essential skills in cultural competency, resilience, self-care, and advocacy for systemic change. This training empowers BIPOC peer specialists to...

Event Series NY-PAN Advisory Board Meeting

NY-PAN Advisory Committee Meeting

The NY-PAN Advisory Committee consists of a selected group of individuals representing a diverse range of peer support credentials and regions across New York State. These members provide guidance and insights to help shape the direction of the New York Peer Advancement Network. Please note that this is a closed meeting, and participation is limited...

Virtual Training: Working in Crisis and Emergency Settings Part 2: Staying True to the Peer Support Role in Crisis Settings

In part 2 of this 3-part series for peer specialists working in emergency psychiatric settings, participants will take a deeper dive into some of the N.A.P.S. National Practice Guidelines for Peer Supporters as they pertain to crisis support. We'll address potential misconceptions about the peer support role and situations where peer support workers might experience...

ECHO: A Peer-Oriented Approach to Suicide

This session will look at ways to support people who want to die while remaining focused on the alternative aspects of peer support. This includes ways to honor bodily autonomy, self-determination, and self-identification of danger and safety. Trainer: Kirill Staklo Subject Matter Expert: Steven Henry About ECHO: The purpose of this ECHO series is to...

ECHO: Honoring Autonomy in Youth Peer Support

This session will focus on strategies to ensure that we’re honoring the wants and needs of youth we’re supporting. It will include ways to support youth self-determination while navigating sometimes ethically gray areas. Trainer: Bonnie Stribling Subject Matter Expert: Kristin Rivera About ECHO: The purpose of this ECHO series is to create the opportunity for...

Peer-Led Alternatives Training: Peer Run Organizational Development and Sustainability

Topic: Peer-Led Alternatives Training: Peer Run Organizational Development Description: In this training, you will learn how to build and sustain a peer-run organization from the ground up. We will cover the basics of running and strengthening your peer organization in the most effective and culturally responsive manner. You will learn about the history of peers...

ECHO: Supporting People Navigating Re-Entry

During this session we’ll explore different ways to support people who are returning to community after incarceration. This will include understanding unique considerations when supporting people returning, ways to build trust, and navigating our own judgement. Trainer: Helen ‘Skip’ Skipper Subject Matter Expert: Nze Okoronta About ECHO: The purpose of this ECHO series is to...

ECHO: Navigating Grief and Loss

This session will discuss ways to support people who have experienced loss including a death, the loss of human rights, major life changes, and more. We’ll look at strategies for tapping into our own experiences of loss and translating that into empathetic support. Trainer: Avé Lanett Subject Matter Expert: Jenn Jones About ECHO: The purpose...

Peer-Led Alternatives Training: Hold on Tight! Staying True to Values of Peer Support

Topic: Hold on Tight! Staying True to Values of Peer Support Description: In this training we’ll explore ways to translate peer values and history into action and practice. We’ll discuss tangible ways to protect the integrity of peer support from everyday practice to macro-level advocacy, and beyond. Trainer: Tim Saubers The purpose of this training...

ECHO: Visioning an Alternative Future

In this session we’ll talk about the future we’d like to create and what it takes to get there. We’ll flip the script from naming the things we don’t want to naming the things we do, and identify how we can cultivate a future reflective of our values. Trainer: Yaffa AS Subject Matter Expert: KC...

Peer-Led Alternatives Training: Growing Together: Cultural and Narrative Humility in Peer Support

Topic: Growing Together: Cultural and Narrative Humility in Peer Support Description: This training looks at how we peer supporters can move beyond cultural competence to practice cultural and narrative humility, which allow all individuals in the peer relationship to learn, reflect and grow together. Trainer: Murial King The purpose of this training series is to...