Community Engagement & Empowerment Through the 6 Principles of Harm Reduction
July 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EDT

Join Jose Martinez (he/him), Capacity Building & Hepatitis C Coordinator at the National Harm Reduction Coalition, for an insightful webinar exploring how to actively engage and empower communities by applying the six fundamental principles of harm reduction. Learn effective strategies to minimize risks, promote safety, and enhance well-being.
Jose Martinez (He, Him) is originally from New York City and currently resides in Buffalo, NY. Jose started his harm reduction career as a Hepatitis C Navigator for St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction (SACHR), a syringe service program that services the South Bronx. He also was a Young Injection Use Health Coordinator for the same organization. After he became NYS peer certified he worked in various shelters and assisted organizations in building and strengthening outreach sites and community engagement approach support. Currently, he is working on PeerUp, an initiative focused on the unity, support, and uplifting of peers and community members from undervalued backgrounds.
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